Give your organisation and your employees permission to imagine and techniques to create, collaborate and communicate.
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Assist the professional development of your staff by working with us to develop creative places of learning.
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At Magnolia Learning we work with and champion the arts and female artists to develop creative learning tools for business.

National and International art-based learning in the workplace initiatives have provided successful businesses with the following workplace skill development opportunities where:

"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

- Maya Angelou (Writer)

Magnolia Learning is a Social Enterprise.
We champion female artists and the arts.
We work to build job opportunities for creative women.

Artist annual average wage according to Australia Council’s most recent review, was less than $49,000 per annum with medium gross income for actual creative work annually only $4,400 for women and $9,000 for men.

Making Art Work, Australia Council for the Arts 2017 Throsby & Petetskaya Department of Economics, Macquarie University

Opening access to sustainable sources of income for female artists that ensures recognition of their qualifications and advanced facilitation and creativity skills.